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Gertrude and Apples

Updated: Apr 5, 2023

During a recent Reiki session, the name Gertrude came to mind, then apple trees, like an orchard. So after the session, I asked my client if it made any sense to them and they said no. So, as always, I knew it would make sense later. I asked my next several clients, because in the past, loved ones have shown up early. After about a week, I asked myself, "Could this have anything to do with my biological father's side of the family?" I was adopted and located my bio mom's side and looked up the family tree and there were no Gertrudes.

So I reached out to a cousin on my bio dad's side of the family and asked him if there were any Gertrudes associated with apples or an orchard. His response, "There were two Gertrudes and I just happen to live on a farm with apple trees, but no orchard."

I was then convinced that the message was for me, to let me know that I belonged to that family, even though I was given up for adoption at birth and my bio dad never knew I existed.

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