When I was first Reiki certified in March 2006, I was walking with a cane due to pain and swelling in my left knee. I had the chronic pain for several years. I started doing Reiki on myself, (First level of Reiki is for yourself), and I learned about the Archangels and Ascended Masters who can help with healing. I was unaware of the subtle changes in my thoughts and attitudes but was becoming more aware of how the angels can help with every day life's experiences.
About five months after my certifications, my Reiki teacher gave me a Reiki treatment. When she placed her hands on my knees, she asked, "When was the last time you used your cane?" I could not answer her question. The Reiki was so subtle that I was unaware that my knee stopped hurting to the point where I was walking just fine without it. So she said, "Thank you Reiki."
I started losing weight by taking short walks. In no time, I was hiking eight to eleven miles a day four to five days a week. That severe pain and swelling are but a distant memory, except at times my knee does act up and becomes a little sore, and as soon as I place my hands on it, the pain subsides. I have avoided knee replacement surgery for over twenty years now and I am grateful the universe guided me to Reiki. I have not looked back since.